of different shades...

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Month 1 in the Office

In all honesty, it was not even half a month. We managed a number of 28 this month excluding the dropouts and have saved nine for the next. The target for the next month is 94.

Well, I had to let my emotions flow. The transition between being a corporate employee shit worried about ensuring the welfare of next day and being a risk infested, market uncertainties influenced entrepreneur has not even been able to register in my mind because of the non-stop drives. As a matter of fact we were working last sunday, so its the end of two weeks really. Monday being an off, my employees are relatively happier for the fact that we barely get two days off together in our industry. All that you might get for working Sunday is overtime. As a matter of fact, I had a difficult time convincing my partner of getting the kids overtime because no one else in the market does that.

I do.

In all these days of work, I could understand the value of people. The team that you have. I had walked off BPOZITIONS with a learning. Of never to take your people for granted. Here, it has gone one step ahead. Always care for your people. The zeal these guys have shown in all these days is amazing. Something that has pushed me beyond limits as well. Is something that I used to do for others. This time pushing myself for myself has proved an amazing experience.

My friends have been calling me entrepreneur and all, but it never really registered. It was more of, 'man, have just started'. The other day when I was waiting with Prashant (He happens to be the elder partner in my business venture)at a college, he made me realize a very important thing. He said that whenever you hire someone, you make a commitment for a lifetime. It might not turn out so, but you have to be ready for that. So never hire someone whom you are not sure about. That was where I realized the importance of thinking one step ahead.

Month 1 wasn't what I can call great. I would have been happier if there were some 10-12 more numbers. Nonetheless, it was good. It was god because it comes with realistic promises of being better. It was good because it comes with the hope of some good work the coming month. In fact, the last day of the month was the best. We had a strike rate of 75%, which is good by any standards.

Today I am going to sit back. Maybe sip a beer and eat a lot. The next month promises a lot of action. It comes with outdoor drives as well and public speeches. I know I am going to love it. You give me a stage, a mike and some four to five hundered people sitting in front of me and you have me. So I am going to make speeches, throw a lot of accent around and hope for increasing numbers.

Cheers till then.

This is the end, my friend
Of mundane predictable rigmarole,
Of being told what to do,
Of apprehensions
Of being a puppet in the mammoth corporate.

It marks the begining,
Of freedom
Anything for it.