of different shades...

Friday, August 25, 2006

Show me the money

I know many of you must have seen it way back and have been there in the discussion about it and this is either a nostalgic trip or yet another discussion.
I remember watching Jerry Maguire long back. I watched it on one of the 24 hour movie channels and it was interrupted all the way through by commercials. Moreover, I used to be college kid (though I barely went to the college).
Last evening I saw the CD at Crossword and picked it up. This time it was a different movie. I loved the, "I am going to get my clients and yours" part of it. I could relate to the frustrations of working solo and running against stronger guys. Above all, I could relate to the concept of business by heart.
The movie speaks of Mr Jerry Maguire, a sportsperson's agent who is out on the streets, all alone, roughing it against the biggies with just one football player to go by. It speaks of connecting humanely to the clients and establishing a human touch. Now all of you, who are in the madhouse of Indian corporates would agree that the heart is not the best organ to use for business. There are people who are known for doing it. Some became Richard Branson, well there are many you wouldn't know about.
Jerry happens to find success and his moment comes when his client makes a splash and reiterates on the human connection between them. It speaks of friendship.
In all honesty, this is the stuff dreams are made of and not many of them come true. Where I loved the movie and lived the catharsis it offered, the first thing I ended up reiterating this morning with one of my clients was, "Show me the money and I will show you the numbers." Sadly he hasn't watched Jerry Maguire and am not sure whether he would after my advise.
I have been in the business by heart category and made a smooth transition to the cold, dead calculations of figures on the balance sheets and the curves on that graph sheet I avoided as a school kid. There are times when I venture out with heart and make another transition to the category of dead. I hope, someday, in my dream of becoming a serial enterpreneur, I can chase a few hearty ventures.
Till then, lets just get the lessons right.

"Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.
New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think Ill buy me a football team"

1 comment:

Alpana Kulkarni said...
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